Visitors and Supervision


Visitors at NCSU

  • Delfina Ramos (PhD candidate). Variability Management for Data-intensive Software Systems. University of A Coruña (UDC), Spain. Supervisor: Nieves R. Brisaboa. [Fev 2024-Jul 2024].
  • Daniel Oliveira (PhD candidate). On the Identification and Analysis of Refactoring-related Modifications. Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Brazil. Supervisor: Alessandro Garcia. [Fev 2024-Jul 2024].

PhD Candidates

  • Willow Sapphire (supervison). Communication and Collaboration in Software Engineering. North Carolina State University (NCSU), USA. In progress (Fall 2024).
  • Lawrence Arkoh (supervison). Technical, Operation, and Organizational Aspects of Software Modernization. North Carolina State University (NCSU), USA. In progress (Fall 2024).
  • Liwen Du (supervison). Impact of Code Quality on Software Modernization. North Carolina State University (NCSU), USA. In progress (Fall 2024).
  • Vinicius Lopes (co-supervison). Software Architecture Optimization. State University of Maringá (UEM), Brazil. Supervisor: Aline Miotto Amaral. In progress (2023-1).
  • Marcel Homolka (co-supervison). Co-Evolution of Domain Specific Languages. Institute for Software Systems Engineering (ISSE) at Johannes Kepler University (JKU), Austria. Supervisor: Alexander Egyed. In progress (2023-1).
  • Daniel Oliveira (co-supervison). On the Identification and Analysis of Refactoring-related Modifications. Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Brazil. Supervisor: Alessandro Garcia. In progress (2020-1).
  • Willian Douglas Ferrari Mendonça (co-supervison). Test Case Selection and Prioritization During the Evolution of Highly Configurable Systems. Informatics Departament (DINF), Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), Brazil. Supervisor: Silvia Regina Vergilio. In progress [2019-1 / 2023-2]. now faculty at Biopark Education - Brazil
  • Luciano Marchezan de Paula (co-supervison). Improving Consistency Maintenance for Collaborative Software Systems Engineering. Institute for Software Systems Engineering (ISSE) at Johannes Kepler University (JKU), Austria. Supervisor: Alexander Egyed. [2020-1 / 2023-2]. now Postdoc at Johannes Kepler University (JKU) - Austria
  • Ana Carla Bibiano (co-supervison). On the Completeness of Composite Code Refactorings for Beneficial Smell Removal. Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Brazil. Supervisor: Alessandro Garcia. [2019-1 / 2023-1]. now Back-End Developer at Ivve Tech - Brazil
  • Gabriela Karoline Michelon (co-supervison). Evolving System Families in Space and Time. Institute for Software Systems Engineering (ISSE) at Johannes Kepler University (JKU), Austria. Supervisor: Alexander Egyed. [2019-1 / 2022-2]. now AI Engineer at Marquardt GmbH - Germany

MSc Students

  • Kevin Washington da Silva Lira (co-supervison). Software Vulnerabilities Across Multi-languages. Federal University of Alagoas (UFAL), Brazil. Supervisor: Baldoino Fonseca. In progress (2024-1).
  • Anderson Alexandre Borges. Development of a Software Tool to Support Atmospheric Dispersion Modeling on the AERMOD System. Federal University of Technology - Paraná (UTFPR), Brazil. [2021-1 / 2024-1]. Co-supervised by Edson Tavares de Camargo (UTFPR-Toledo) and Leila Droprinchinski Martins (UTFPR-Londrina).
  • Djonathan Barros. Editing Support for Software Languages: Implementation Practices in Language Server Protocols. Western Paraná State University (Unioeste), Brazil. [2020-1 / 2022-2]. Co-supervised by Thorsten Berger (RUB/Germany - Chalmers/Sweden). now Software Architect at CI&T - Brazil
  • Daniele Wolfart. Design Patterns For Re-Engineering System Variants into Software Product Lines. Western Paraná State University (Unioeste), Brazil. [2019-2 / 2022-1]. Co-supervised by Jabier Martinez (Tecnalia/Spain). now Software Engineer at Cast Group - Brazil
  • Luiz Carvalho (co-supervison). Identifying Microservices Candidates in Legacy Code. Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Brazil. Supervisor: Alessandro Garcia. [2019-1 / 2020-1]. now PhD Student in Software Engineering at University of Luxembourg - Luxembourg

BSc Students

  • Mateus Maruzka Roncaglio. (pt_BR) Implementação de Otimização por Núvem de Particulas Paralelo em Hardware. Federal University of Technology - Paraná (UTFPR). [2020].
  • Vinicios Bryam Campera. (pt_BR) AtestadoWeb: Sistema Online Para Emissão e Validação de Atestados Médicos. Federal University of Technology - Paraná (UTFPR). [2019].
  • Marcio Vitor Dos Santos. (pt_BR) Caracterização Sobre Práticas De Reúso De Software Na Região Oeste Do Paraná. Federal University of Technology - Paraná (UTFPR). [2019].
  • Javan Ataíde de Oliveira Júnior. (pt_BR) Sintonia Multiobjetivo de Controlador Preditivo Generalizado por NSGA-II. Federal University of Technology - Paraná (UTFPR). [2018].
  • Marlon Miguel and Mateus H. Franco. (pt_BR) Sistema para gerenciamento de atividades complementares: GAC. Federal University of Technology - Paraná (UTFPR). [2018].
  • Rogerio Cristiano Midding. (pt_BR) Avaliação da qualidade interna de softwares desenvolvidos com a técnica TDD. Federal University of Technology - Paraná (UTFPR). [2016].



North Carolina State University (NCSU), USA

  • [2025Spring] CSC326: Software engineering (3 credit hours)
  • [2024Fall] CSC495: Software Architectures for the Cloud (3 credit hours)
  • [2024Spring] CSC510: Software Engineering (3 credit hours)
  • [2023Fall] CSC591/CSC791: Model-Driven Engineering (3 credit hours)


Johannes Kepler University Linz (JKU), Austria [2021W-2023S]

  • [2023S] 343.008: Model-driven Engineering (3.0 ECTS credits)
  • [2023S] 343.350: Engineering of Software-intensive Systems - Model-driven engineering of AI systems (3.0 ECTS credits)
  • [2023S] 343.307: Techniques of Presentation and Team Work (3.0 ECTS credits)
  • [2023S] 343.006: Seminar in Software Engineering - Software Modernization (3.0 ECTS credits)
  • [2022W] 343.006: Seminar in Software Engineering - Artificial Intelligence and Software Engineering (3.0 ECTS credits)
  • [2022W] 343.001: Software Engineering - Exercises (1.5 ECTS credits)
  • [2022W] 343.302: Software Engineering - Exercises (1.5 ECTS credits)
  • [2022S] 343.008: Model-driven Engineering (3.0 ECTS credits)
  • [2022S] 343.350: Engineering of Software-intensive Systems - Model-driven engineering of AI systems (3.0 ECTS credits)
  • [2022S] 343.307: Techniques of Presentation and Team Work (3.0 ECTS credits)
  • [2022S] 343.006: Seminar in Software Engineering - Software Modernization (3.0 ECTS credits)
  • [2021W] 343.001: Software Engineering - Exercises (1.5 ECTS credits)
  • [2021W] 343.302: Software Engineering - Exercises (1.5 ECTS credits)
  • [2021W] 343.006: Seminar in Software Engineering - Modeling & Analysis of Software Systems (3.0 ECTS credits)


Federal University of Technology - Paraná (UTFPR), Brazil [2011-2020]

  • [2020-1] OPCPG: System Analysis and Design 2 (60h)
  • [2020-1] TB303: Software Development (60h)
  • [2020-1] TSI33C: Websites 3 (80h)
  • [2020-1] TSI34D: System Analysis and Design 2 (64h)
  • [2020-1] TSI35G: Bsc Final Project (TCC) 1 (60h)
  • [2019-2] TSI33C: Websites 3 (80h)
  • [2019-2] TSI34D: System Analysis and Design 2 (64h)
  • [2019-2] TSI35G: Bsc Final Project (TCC) 1 (60h)
  • [2019-1] TSI34D: System Analysis and Design 2 (64h)
  • [2019-1] TSI35D: Design Patterns (48h)
  • [2019-1] TSI35G: Bsc Final Project (TCC) 1 (60h)
  • [2018-2] TSI33C: Websites 3 (80h)
  • [2018-2] TSI34D: System Analysis and Design 2 (64h)
  • [2018-2] TSI35G: Bsc Final Project (TCC) 1 (60h)
  • [2018-1] BP42D: Computation 1 (60h)
  • [2018-1] TSI33C: Websites 3 (80h)
  • [2018-1] TSI34D: System Analysis and Design 2 (64h)
  • [2018-1] TSI35G: Bsc Final Project (TCC) 1 (60h)
  • [2017-2] BP42D: Computation 1 (60h)
  • [2017-2] ET43I: Object-Oriented Programming Fundamentals (60h)
  • [2017-2] TSI33C: Websites 3 (80h)
  • [2017-1] CP78D: Computational Intelligence (60h)
  • [2017-1] TSI33C: Websites 3 (80h)
  • [2017-1] TSI35A: Advanced Topics in Information Technology (64h)
  • [2017-1] TSI35F: Multimedia and Hypermedia Systems (64h)
  • [2016-2] ET44F: Data Structure (60h)
  • [2016-2] TSI33C: Websites 3 (80h)
  • [2016-2] TSI36B: Project Planning and Management (64h)
  • [2016-1] TSI32C: Websites 2 (64h)
  • [2016-1] TSI33C: Websites 3 (80h)
  • [2016-1] TSI35A: Advanced Topics in Information Technology (64h)
  • [2014-1] ET41F: Algorithm Construction (60h)
  • [2013-2] ET41F: Algorithm Construction (60h)
  • [2013-2] MAT53D: Computational Foundations for Mathematics (60h)
  • [2013-1] ET41F: Algorithm Construction (60h)
  • [2013-1] MAT53D: Computational Foundations for Mathematics (60h)
  • [2013-1] TI33I: Programming Languages 3 (64h)
  • [2013-1] TI34J: Web Development 2 (64h)
  • [2012-2] ET41F: Algorithm Construction (60h)
  • [2012-2] MAT53D: Computational Foundations for Mathematics (60h)
  • [2012-1] ET41F: Algorithm Construction (60h)
  • [2012-1] TI32K: Programming Languages 2 (64h)
  • [2012-1] TI33H: Database Management Systems (64h)
  • [2012-1] TI33K: Web Development 1 (96h)
  • [2011-2] ET41F: Algorithm Construction (60h)
  • [2011-1] TI31K: Algorithm Construction (64h)
  • [2011-1] TI31K: Algorithm Construction (64h)
  • [2011-1] TI32K: Programming Languages 2 (64h)
  • [2011-1] TI33K: Web Development 1 (96h)


Faculdade Sul Brasil (FASUL), Brazil [2007-2012]

  • [2012-2] SIST602: Systems Development (72h)
  • [2012-2] SIST203: Programming Laboratory II (72h)
  • [2012-2] TRC203: Programming Language (72h)
  • [2012-2] SIST706: Distributed Systems (72h)
  • [2012-1] TRC105: Programming Logic and Algorithms (72h)
  • [2012-1] SIST202: Data Structure (72h)
  • [2012-1] SIST700: Special Topics in Information Systems I (72h)
  • [2010-2] SIST104: Algorithms and Programming Techniques (80h)
  • [2010-1] ADM103: Computing Applied to Administration (36h)
  • [2010-1] GLO405: Management Information Systems (36h)
  • [2010-1] GTF306: Information Systems in Finance (36h)
  • [2010-1] SIST503: Human-Machine Interface (36h)
  • [2010-1] STI503: Human-Machine Interface (36h)
  • [2009-2] GTL206: Information Technology 2 (36h)
  • [2009-2] STI406: Discrete Mathematics (36h)
  • [2009-1] ADE201: Applied Informatics 2 (36h)
  • [2009-1] ADM103: Applied Informatics (36h)
  • [2009-1] AGE103: Applied Informatics 1 (36h)
  • [2009-1] GTL106: Information Technology 1 (36h)
  • [2008-2] AGE103: Applied Informatics 1 (36h)
  • [2008-2] AGE201: Applied Informatics 2 (36h)
  • [2008-2] GFN207: Informatics Applied to Finance (36h)
  • [2008-2] GLO106: Computational Resources Applied to Logistics (72h)
  • [2008-2] SIF504: Compilers (80h)
  • [2008-2] STI204: Logic Applied to Computing (80h)
  • [2007-2] SIF502: Database Management Systems (80h)

Supplementary Material


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